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To most people, the 'Check Engine' light means instant panic — but when you have the right equipment, nothing is a mystery. Bosch diagnostic tools are leaders in the industry and are used and trusted by mechanics all over the world. Look for versatile diagnostic scanners such as the KTS 570, suitable for a wide variety of petrol and diesel vehicles. This Bluetooth device transmits information wirelessly. Its USB interface allows you to connect the diagnostic tools to any computer or laptop to analyze the information using specialized software.
The 3824 model is compatible with heavy-duty trucks and is a must for any mechanic who works on Freightliner, International, Kenworth, Mack, Volvo, Peterbilt, Sterling, or Western Star vehicles. If you are searching for parts for diagnostic tools, browse the vast inventory on eBay for deactivators and activators, cable connectors, adapters, and probes. Whether you are a professional or a hobbyist, Bosch diagnostic equipment lets you read and clear fault codes, run tests, and view wiring diagrams with the touch of a button. These state-of-the-art tools allow you to have peace of mind regarding your vehicles — or to provide your customers with reassurances regarding theirs.