Disattivare Aggiornamenti Adobe Reader
Disable 3rd Party Software Updates • • • • • • • • Disable Adobe Reader XI Updates with Group Policy • Like, an installation of Adobe Reader XI can check for updates automatically. In a small environment, this may not be a problem (honestly, I would encourage it!). However, in a larger (typically managed) environment, this can generate unnecessary bandwidth usage, problems when users update their own installs with untested updates, and unnecessary support requests to your Help Desk or IT personnel. Here’s how to disable the Reader XI update checks so that your end users don’t see update notices and can’t manually install updates. Let me start with my standard warning about disabling the update utility for 3rd party software: You still need to update 3rd party software just like you would install monthly updates from Microsoft unless you have a really good reason not to. Jam Project Best Collection Viii Rarity there. This tutorial is intended for systems administrators that are using some kind of systems management product for updating 3rd party software like SCCM, Landesk, etc.
AdobeARM.exe fa parte della routine di aggiornamento di Adobe Reader. Se provvedi agli aggiornamenti manualmente, non ne hai bisogno. Suggerirei, comunque, di disinstallare l'elefantiaco Adobe Reader con Revo Uninstaller (ripulire files e registry con CCleaner.
Many of the security flaws in 3rd party software can lead to malware infections and/or compromised computers. If you disable the update notifications, you still need to keep the software up to date! This tutorial applies to Adobe Reader XI (32-bit) running on a x86/32-bit version and the x64/64-bit version of Windows. Disabling the Adobe Reader XI update notifications is actually pretty easy.
There’s a registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE that will allow you to completely disable both update notifications and the update functionality. The full path of the key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesAdobeAcrobat Reader11.0FeatureLockDown. The registry entry is named bUpdater and is a DWORD value. Setting the value to 0 disables updates.
(Note: This DWORD value does not exist by default and either has to be created manually or by some other automated method like Group Policy.) Here’s what it looks like in the Registry if you create the entries manually: You could set this manually, but there’s actually a much easier way to do this in Group Policy. First off you’ll need a Group Policy Object (GPO) that applies to your computers that need to have the updater disabled. In my example, it is an empty GPO, but there’s no reason why you can’t add this to an existing GPO. In your GPO, go to Computer Configuration >Preferences >Windows Settings >Registry. Beyond Compare 4 Serial Linux. Right-click and choose New >Registry Item. If you have Adobe Reader XI installed on your management station, you can browse the registry to the setting you’ll be changing. (If you don’t, you can skip the next couple of steps and copy the entry manually.) In the Window that opens, click the “” button next to Key Path.