Rigol Wfm File Converter

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SupportRigol Wfm File Format

I saved some oscilloscope.wfm and.isf files+ how do I view them on my pc? The.isf and.wfm is the internal file format. It is designed to be recalled as the. Nov 14, 2017 Rigol DS1000z CSV to LTspice & WFM. The utility also handles even very large CSV files. Conversion of 20 MB. It doesn't accept the waveform files from Rigol.

Introduction So, just a day before my vacation trip I got a brand new RIGOL DS1052E. I was very eager to get back from my travels to check out my new scope. Unfortunately, I soon discovered that there is no good program to parse the native wfm files generated by the scope. There already exist several attempts in generating a parser for the file format. The first attempt seems to be a.

But this script suffers from not parsing all the available information and doing errors in alternate trigger mode. There are several derivations of this code – all suffering more or less from the same problems. New code The problem was finally solved by Dexter who successfully reverse-engineered most fields of the Rigol wfm file format and uses it in its awesome program. Unfortunately, it does only work under Windows and closed-source. Fortunately, he the source code regarding the parsing of the wfm file. While it is not usable in it’s own it can be used to extract a protocol definition from it. Armed with this wealth of information, I’ve re-implemented the file parser in standard. The code has been tested with Python 2.7.3 and 3.3.0 and should work without any modification. The code contains an example usage of the library, see.

Which can be used to • extract header information • export to CSV as if the CSV was generated on the scope • plot the waveform and its FFT. (This requires, and ) Example Inspired by Dexter’s work, I’ve also put an antenna to one input of my Rigol DS1052E and could clearly see all the radio stations I have here: Get it You can find the code on my Github page: Post navigation. Use baudline (OS X / Linux) and open the wfm file directly (its automagic detector will see the data start)- set the sample rate to e. Real Traffic Spawn Install Itunes. g 500,000 for the 1052E. It will also playback the audio of the capture wave which sounds pretty odd. Unfortunately its not possible to specify the offset for the 2nd channel decode, so e.g stereo playback or import from two channels isnt possible. It will simply play channel 1 data then channel 2. Making a tool to split the wfm file to two seperate files, or one interleaved ch1,ch2, etc would enabled stereo playback / analysis.

(cross correlation and impulses). Hi Mike, interesting tip!

I’ve played with baudline and it works indeed. But I think automagic is just for compression and will *not* detect the data start. So you will have garbage in the beginning.

What you can also do, is to open a CSV file from your scope (or generated by my program). It seems to work well for the files I tried. It would also be fairly simple to generate a file just containing the data interleaved – just some simple python code. I’d except a merge request on github 😉 Best, Matthias.