Tcsuite Win Full Metal Jousting
Oh man, you should hear my husband rant and rave about this show. He's a jouster and knows Shane (the main guy) and a few of the behind-the-scenes people. He was actually contacted by a cousin who works for the network to participate.
Jun 18, 2015 Join our brave knight as he trains with his magnificent destrier and demonstrates the skills needed to win a. Full Metal Jousting S1 • E0 Full. Procol Harum Torrent Pirate Ba there. Buy Full Metal Jousting Season 1. May the best man win. It is full of good character studies and Rope Meyers.
Apparently Shane is a total donkey's behind and a less-than-reputable guy both in the jousting community and in general. I watched half of the show with my husband going on and on about how Shane is making a mockery of an ancient sport and what they are all doing wrong and so on and so forth. Personally, I wasn't impressed by the show at all. Posted via Mobile Device. In order to be able to post messages on the The Horse Forum forums, you must first register. Already have a Horse Forum account?
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