Desktop Icon Separator Software Piracy
Anti-Piracy Banners and Logos Help SIIA Stop Piracy! SIIA Anti-Piracy Button Help SIIA Anti-Piracy stop piracy! SIIA Anti-Piracy is equipped to receive piracy reports online. By placing the button on your website and linking it to our, you can help stop copyright infringement. Simply save the image (in most cases by pressing the right mouse button) and include the following HTML: to download this icon for print use (.zip file, 209 KB.) You can also support SIIA's Content Anti-Piracy Program. Save the image to the left (in most cases by pressing the right mouse button) and include the following HTML: to download this icon for print use (.zip file, 156 KB.) Now visitors to your site will know that you seek to protect the integrity of the Internet by supporting the authorized use of software and SIIA Anti-Piracy's activities. Piracy costs the software industry about $12 billion annually. With your help publishers can continue to improve older titles and develop new ones for your use and enjoyment.
For additional information about SIIA Anti-Piracy's Internet anti-piracy activities please see the. Thank you for your continued support. IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY By downloading, copying or otherwise reproducing the SIIA BUTTON, you agree to be bound by the following: SIIA IP Protection owns all rights in the SIIA BUTTON, which is protected by copyright and other laws.
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The SIIA BUTTON is licensed, not sold. SIIA IP Protection grants you a non-exclusive license to reproduce the SIIA BUTTON on your World Wide Web Site and in printed publications or advertisements and to distribute on packaging for disk based software so that interested parties may be linked to, report to, or receive additional information from SIIA IP Protection about SIIA's IP Protection Programs and services. You agree not to make any other uses of the SIIA BUTTON. Google Sketchup Pro 2013 Keygen Download Torrent there.
You agree that you will not use the SIIA BUTTON with any other logo or title, nor will you incorporate the SIIA BUTTON in any other design, or in any way that alters, distorts, mutilate, or otherwise modify, or in any way make a derogatory use its meaning, including but not limited to falsely suggesting a connection with, sponsorship of, or endorsement of any company, entity, organization, product, service or individual. You agree the legal notices now incorporated in the SIIA BUTTON will appear in any copy of the SIIA BUTTON you will reproduce, distribute, display or otherwise use. The SIIA BUTTON is provided as is without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, and the risk arising out of the use of the SIIA BUTTON remains with you. SIIA may, at its sole will and discretion, terminate your right to use the SIIA BUTTON. If you have any questions or wish to contact SIIA IP Protection, please contact us via phone at +1.202.789.SIIA or via e-mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You can also contact us via mail at SIIA IP Protection, a division of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), 1090 Vermont Ave, N.W., Sixth Floor, Washington, D.C.